12 Jan 2009

Andrew Whitely uses his loaf...

Andrew Whitley has written Bread Matters all about natural, traditionally made breads. Browsing through the chapters, I happened upon a whole chapter dedicated to gluten free baking and was immeadiately inspired.

He comprehensively explains Coeliac Disease and the issues we face, highlighting, as I have in previous posts, the chemical laden alternatives
provided by the food industry who make "overprocessed ingredients into superfically attractive products". I love how Andrew says "Perhaps people with a sensitivity to gluten deserve better than to be fobbed off with highly processed chemical additives". This was inspiring enough stuff to attempt making my own gluten free bread.

I am taking part in a sourdough challenge over at FoodScoop where I am making my sourdough from scratch making a leven based on Andrew Whitelys gluten free recipe using brown rice flour, naturally abundant with wild yeasts.

Dispensing further good advice, Andrew also talks about adapting to a gluten free diet, and not replacing like for like, an approach I too have adopted. Gluten free bread is never going to be like a real, freshly baked, loaf with a light and airy centre but I am looking forward to seeing how the potato and quinoa bread made using my sourdough leven will turn out. I know it won't be the same, but hopefully it will be a delicious product in it's own
My gluten free sourdough leven - Day 2
For me, this experience is about embracing the opportunties out there for a more varied, natural and delicous gluten free diet - such as discovering potato bread - perfect for mopping up free range fried eggs.

To watch the progress of both the rye and gluten free sourdoughs - click here, or why not start your own. Have you made GF bread before? Any tips to share with this first timer?

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