8 Sept 2011

The challange - gluten, egg and dairy free birthday cake

I have always loved a challenge. I particularly love a foodie one, and it's a good job. My son, who is fast approaching his first birthday was diagnosed with egg and milk allergies a few months ago. Needless to say, I was gutted. However the consultants believe he will grow out of them so I am keeping my fingers crossed that one day we will all be eating "family" food, albeit gluten free of course.

The invites have been sent, so the next priority is the food. I have never catered for a party before, so I am enjoying browsing through my cookbook stash for inspiration. However my collection does not stretch to gluten, egg and dairy free birthday cakes. I have raided the library, trawled the internet and now have a collection of cakes to try. Not that I think you can call them cakes, since they are missing flour, eggs and butter - ingredients I imagine the judges of the brilliant Great British Bake Off would be keen to debate. 

So for the next couple of weeks we are going to be eating a lot of cake round here. I am going to attempt to find the best free from everything cake and will report my findings here. In the meantime, if you have any pearls of wisdom to share on egg replacers, the use of margarine over butter or any excellent recipes, feel free to comment below.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Hey how are you!?

You should talk to Lou Direito ( was Moxey at JS) as Elee her eldest has Dairy, Nut and Egg allergies so she's becoming a bit of a pro- at cakes!!

Flic x

Kim McGowan said...

Thanks Flic, thats a great idea. Do you have her details?